Private Prosecutions & Peace Bonds
The vast majority of charges laid in Canada are laid by police officers. Usually, however, the process begins with a complaint; someone calls the police and complains that someone else has committed an offense against them. The police will then investigate the complaint. If they form a belief on reasonable grounds that an offence has been committed, they may choose to charge the person. The decision to charge or not is theirs, not the complainants.
If you find yourself in that situation, call Karim Morgan immediately. Just because the police don’t believe your complaint or don’t have the manpower to process it, doesn’t mean that you don’t have options! In cases where you fear for your safety or that of your family, Karim can help you seek a “restraining order”, called a Peace Bond, against the person(s) you fear. In situations where a simple restraining order does not suffice and criminal charges should be laid, Karim can help you lay a private information. He will aggressively fight for the conviction, as well as conduct the prosecution on your behalf in an ethical and professional matter.