Gun & Drug Charges
Gun and Drug Charges include:
• Possession and Trafficking
• All firearm possession, storage, and use offences
There is no scarier combination in this world than that of guns and drugs. Any story that begins with those two terrible things, usually ends badly. Parliament through the years has consistently passed tighter and stricter laws to deal with this issue. Police have more power to investigate. The Supreme Court has recently made it easier for people charged with these offences to be denied bail. Jail sentences for these offences are mandatory and longer than ever before.
In these cases, there are at least 3 or 4 separate statutes, or laws, in play; The Criminal Code, The Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, etc.. It is crucial to have a criminal defence lawyer who knows what role each law plays in the prosecution. With over 10 years of criminal defence experience, including working on some of the Province’s biggest “project busts”, Karim Morgan will help you prepare the best possible defence for your charges.